[Published online Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan Vol.21, 43-44, by J-STAGE]
<Title:> VR-MD: スマホ VR で実施する分子動力学計算とその教育への適用
<Author(s):> 吉川 信明, 松田 健郎, 梶田 晴司, 佐藤 宗太, 谷川 智洋
<Corresponding author E-Mill:> kikkawa(at)mosk.tytlabs.co.jp
<Abstract:> An application for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations was implemented on a smartphone for utilizing virtual reality (VR) in chemistry education. This application consists only of a smartphone, a simple VR lens, and an on-board camera. The screen displays molecular motions equivalent to MD calculations in actual research. The molecules move synchronously with the six-dimensional movements of the user’s head. The on-board camera also recognizes hand coordinates, allowing the user to “touch” and “grab” the molecules through the hand model displayed in the VR space. This application enables users to intuitively understand molecular motion. A special lecture was held at high schools using this application, and survey results shows that students’ understanding of molecules improved.
<Keywords:> Chemical education, Virtual reality, Smartphone application, Molecular dynamics
<URL:> https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jccj/21/2/21_2022-0028/_article/-char/ja/
<Title:> VR-MD: スマホ VR で実施する分子動力学計算とその教育への適用
<Author(s):> 吉川 信明, 松田 健郎, 梶田 晴司, 佐藤 宗太, 谷川 智洋
<Corresponding author E-Mill:> kikkawa(at)mosk.tytlabs.co.jp
<Abstract:> An application for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations was implemented on a smartphone for utilizing virtual reality (VR) in chemistry education. This application consists only of a smartphone, a simple VR lens, and an on-board camera. The screen displays molecular motions equivalent to MD calculations in actual research. The molecules move synchronously with the six-dimensional movements of the user’s head. The on-board camera also recognizes hand coordinates, allowing the user to “touch” and “grab” the molecules through the hand model displayed in the VR space. This application enables users to intuitively understand molecular motion. A special lecture was held at high schools using this application, and survey results shows that students’ understanding of molecules improved.
<Keywords:> Chemical education, Virtual reality, Smartphone application, Molecular dynamics
<URL:> https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jccj/21/2/21_2022-0028/_article/-char/ja/