<Title:> 放射性plume 軌跡のためのシミュレータ開発
<Author(s):> 青山 智夫, 若月 泰孝
<Corresponding author E-Mill:> aoyama.tomoo(at)gmail.com<Abstract:> Under nuclear power plant accident, by the ventilation of containment vessel, suspended particulate matter (SPM) is emitted; it attracts radioactive compounds, and the plume diffuses in air. It soaks into the human body. We are required to run away from the invisible plumes. The routes do not exist at any time. We recognize status soon, and should select priority persons to escape from there. We code a real-time plume tracer, which reads 4D-winds of Meso Scale Model (MSM), calculates time-development of plumes. The precision for reach time of plumes is 3?5 min, inner 8 km points from emission.
<Keywords:> radioactive substance, movement of SPM, accident prediction, air contamination
<URL:> https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jccj/14/3/14_2015-0032/_article/-char/ja/