[Published online Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan -International Edition Vol.5, -, by J-STAGE]
<Title:> Analysis Method for Digital PCR Data on Two Dimensional Orthogonal Coordinate (x, y) by Converting to Two Dimensional Polar Coordinate (r, θ) Using EXCEL Macro
<Author(s):> Takashi FUJII, Mikio KAWAHARA, Akihiro TSUYADA, Manabu SUGIYAMA, Masakazu AKAHORI
<Corresponding author E-Mill:> takashi.fujii(at)rikengenesis.jp
<Abstract:> An absolute quantitative analysis method has been recently developed as a third generation polymerase chain reaction method “PCR” for fractionated DNA. The method is designed to determine the number of DNA molecules in target DNA samples by counting the number of PCR products obtained from fractionated DNA. We applied EXCEL Macro to perform the conversion of two dimensional orthogonal coordinate (x, y) fluorescent signal plot data obtained by digital PCR device to two dimensional polar coordinate (r, θ) fluorescent signal plot data, followed by analyzing the angle (θ) histogram of plot data without overlapping of plot data occurring by two dimensional orthogonal coordinate (x, y) histogram. The analysis made it possible to identify gene mutation and count the number of DNA molecules with mutation faster and easier.
<Keywords:> Digital PCR, DNA, Polar coordinate, EXCEL
<URL:> https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jccjie/5/0/5_2017-0044/_html