BZ反応を利用した物理レザバー計算による時系列予測および音声認識 [Published online J. Comput. Chem. Jpn., 23, 78-79, by J-STAGE]

[Published online Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan Vol.23, 78-79, by J-STAGE]
<Title:> BZ反応を利用した物理レザバー計算による時系列予測および音声認識
<Author(s):> 都城 宏治, 香取 勇一, 田中 吉太郎, 髙木 清二, 櫻沢 繁
<Corresponding author E-Mill:> sakura(at)
<Abstract:> It is known that it is possible to develop a chemically intelligent robot that can perceive spatial extent using the BZ reaction. If the BZ reaction can be used for learning, there is a possibility of developing a chemically intelligent robot that can make complex judgments about situations like living organisms. In the physical reservoir calculation, it is possible to construct a learning system using a material system, so in this study, we build a physical reservoir calculation using the BZ reaction and confirmed that learning is possible. The physical reservoir computation was capable of performing tasks such as time series prediction and speech recognition. BZ reaction, nonlinear chemical reaction, reservoir computing, time series prediction, speech recognition
<Keywords:> キーワードBZ反応, 非線形化学反応, レザバー計算, 時系列予測, 音声認識