[Published online Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan Vol.15, 55-56, by J-STAGE]
<Title:> 世代の起源 Heisenberg方程式からSchrodinger方程式へ
<Author(s):> 鳴海 英之
<Abstract:> We changed a mass formula obtained by the Heisenburg Method into one expressed in Schroedinger style and tried to clarify its physical meanings including of the origin of generations.
<Keywords:> KEY WORDS Heisenberg Equation, Schroedinger Equation, Kinetic and Potential Energy, Generations
<URL:> https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jccj/15/3/15_2016-0028/_article/-char/ja/
<Title:> 世代の起源 Heisenberg方程式からSchrodinger方程式へ
<Author(s):> 鳴海 英之
<Abstract:> We changed a mass formula obtained by the Heisenburg Method into one expressed in Schroedinger style and tried to clarify its physical meanings including of the origin of generations.
<Keywords:> KEY WORDS Heisenberg Equation, Schroedinger Equation, Kinetic and Potential Energy, Generations
<URL:> https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jccj/15/3/15_2016-0028/_article/-char/ja/